Thursday, November 12, 2009

Amy, Amy, you are my inspiration for all of this. I look at you and see how far you have come and how drop dead beautiful you look and I refocus. I have been eating string cheese with turkey wrapped around it, protein smoothies made with Greek fat free yogurt, chicken salad with light may on melba toast, veggies with ff Greek yogurt dip, and crock pot dinners like chicken curry or chicken with veggies or shrimp. I am hungry and 1/2 a cup of food per meal is not doing it. Should it be without a fill? I know have not been drinking enough, the whole no drinking 15 min before eating and 30 min after has me all messed up. I did start to pick up on my exercise this week. I really need to start opening my food journal, I am sooo bad at it. On a bright note, I have discovered that a very nice girl in my statistics class is also a bandster! We are both siked to met someone that can relate. She was banded in July. Any who, thanks for the comment you rock!


  1. How in the heck did I miss this post! I love you and say this with all may need to have your vision checked! Drop dead gorgeous! Come to think about it, you may not be talking about that be funny!

    You are at the beginning of your journey and remember, this is the starting point! Things get better. There are certainly tought times and times you cuss your band! But I think that my hope for you is that along the way...maybe even before you get those hot leather pants that you start to feel better about yourself and love your body! I know that is a tall order, but it can aappen!


  2. And I didnt even answer you question...HELL NO 1/2 a cup will not leave you feeling full with no restriction. Bandster hell sucks! But we all make it through. Right now you have to hold on with willpower. I do sometimes find drinking about 20 oz of water helps stave off hunger for a little while. Remember, the nerves in our stomach that tell our brain when we are full are located at the top! Go figure! That's why with proper restriction, you get full faster and stay full longer...our little pouch keeps the food touching those nerves...SO, just keep keeping on until the fills start to help!

  3. Yes I was talking about you!!!! Thanks for all the support. Going to chug some water right now :)
