Sunday, November 15, 2009

Food Blog 11/15/2009

11:30am - low fat cheese stick with trukey breast

3:00pm- 1/2 salmon burger wraqpped in philo, apple, carrot, ginger celery juice (we went out for lunch) got stuck three times :(

5:30pm- short one pump perpermint mocha no whip

8:30pm- 1/2 cabbage roll, 2 chicken and rice balls
so far 40oz water, going to drink another 20 right now,

Exercise- 1 hour cardio at the gym= 30min arch trainer and 30min treadmill at 2.5-3.0, walk on the beach at leaserly pace about 40min

1 comment:

  1. Erika - I'm no expert, I was just banded a couple weeks ago myself, but you sound like you're doing really well! Your meals sound very well rounded and protein packed...just like they should be.

    I know what you mean about the confidence thing (a few posts back). I also have been thin as an adult (it was short lived...I started putting it back on the day I hit my goal weight) and I felt good then. But as I put the weight on I felt worse and worse about myself. Part of it was disappointment in knowing I was gaining it back, and then also comparing what I became to what I knew I could be. I think that if you've been thin as an adult the confidence is a little harder to come by.

    On a different note, for some reason I don't see your posts as you post them. Then suddenly it shows several posts in a row. This happened once before and I thought maybe you posted two in a row, but tonight I'm wondering if there is something wrong with my dashboard. But anyway, I wanted to let you know I'm reading your posts, it just might be a little late...when my dashboard decides to show me you've posted!

    You're doing great, keep up the good work!
